Simply photos of matchday and stadium visits, mainly in Belgium and the Netherlands, occasionally in Britain or farther afield. Additionally, some historical information about grounds and clubs is provided. Others call it 'groundhopping', whereas I prefer 'football tourism'... but things have run slightly out of control: therefore, this is Extreme Football Tourism.
Stade de la Cité de l'Oie, Visé = Wezet (FC United Richelle & Visé BMFA & Visé Basse-Meuse Football Academy, formerly RCS Visétois / RCS Visé / URS Lixhe-Lanaye / URSL Visé) Belgium, province: Liège = Luik 10 II 2008 / RCS Visé - R Cappellen FC 2-2 / National League 3B (= BE level 3) Note 1: the Stade de la Cité de l'Oie in its current form dates back to 1999. Originally used by RCS Visétois (renamed RCS Visé in 2004), which went bust in mid-2015, the ground was taken over by FC United Richelle, a club from a village in the immediate vicinity of Visé which had just won promotion to National League 4 and could not continue playing first team football at their own Tilleuls ground which does not have the measurements for national league football. They were joined by URS Lixhe-Lanaye, who left their premises at Rue de Liège in Lixhe; one year later, Lixhe took on the name of URSL (Union Royale Sportive Lixhe) Visé. That same year, a new club saw the daylight, Visé Basse-Meuse Football Academy (matricule 9671), an academy club exclusively focusing on youth football, which became the third user of the Stade de la Cité de l'Oie. Marred by financial difficulties, URSL Visé and ceased all activities after the 2023-24 season. With R Standard de Liège withdrawing their B team's football to Académie Robert Louis-Dreyfus terr. 5 in the summer of 2024 as well, this leaves FC United Richelle and academy club Visé BMFA as the sole users of the ground. Note 2: below, a compilation of photographs of two different visits: pictures 1-12 = non-matchday visit, April 2019 / pictures 13-19 = matchday visit, February 2008.
All photos: (c) W.B. Tukker / Publication of any of these images only after permission of author