Simply photos of matchday and stadium visits, mainly in Belgium and the Netherlands, occasionally in Britain or farther afield. Additionally, some historical information about grounds and clubs is provided. Others call it 'groundhopping', whereas I prefer 'football tourism'... but things have run slightly out of control: therefore, this is Extreme Football Tourism.
Sportpark Blijdorpse Polder, Rotterdam Blijdorp (RVV Blijdorp, formerly RVV Noorderkwartier) Netherlands, province: South Holland = Zuid-Holland 22 IV 2019 / RVV Blijdorp - Sporting Leiden 2-2 / District West II, Sunday League 3 - upper half group A (= NL level 8) Note 1: RVV Noorderkwartier, the original owners of Sportpark Blijdorpse Polder, ceased all activities in the course of the 2009/2010 season. In 2010, the premises were taken over by RVV Blijdorp, who had been forced out of their ground at Noorderbocht. RVV Blijdorp are scheduled to return to renovated version of Noorderbocht in the summer of 2019. Sportpark Blijdorpse Polder, which is adjacent to Neptunus' baseball stadium (the so-called Familiestadion, capacity 2,760 - cp. photo 16 below) and to the former SC Neptunus' football ground (which was taken over by RVV Blijdorp for training purposes after SC Neptunus merged - and moved in - with RVV Schiebroek). Meanwhile, at Sportpark Blijdorpse Polder, RVV Blijdorp's main pitch has been put in use by a hockey club. The side pitch to the north of the clubhouse was rented to RV&AV Steeds Hooger for training purposes for three seasons (2019-22). Note 2: below, a compilation of photographs of two visits: pictures 1-4 = non-matchday visit, November 2017 / pictures 5-16 = match visit, April 2019.
All photos: (c) W.B. Tukker / Publication of any of these images only after permission of author
Zavelstraat, Retie (Schijf Sport) Belgium, province: Antwerp 22 IV 2019 / Schijf Sport - FCW Spin 16-0 / Arbeidersvoetbal Kempen, Sunday League Note 1: Arbeidersvoetbal Kempen is a league of Flemish amateur teams in Belgian Limburg and Eastern Antwerp non affiliated to the Royal Belgian Football Association. Under the auspices of Arbeidersvoetbal Kempen, there is a pyramid of Saturday teams as well as a league of teams playing on Sunday mornings. Note 2: the encounter I attended turned out to be a rather sorry affair as Schijf Sport disposed of ten players and FC Welkom Spin of a mere seven - and after Schijf had netted sixteen goals in the first half, the game was abandoned with mutual consent. The score of 16-0 was accepted by Arbeidersvoetbal Kempen as an official final result.